Filter Manufacturers

Filtration Systems Filtration systems are designed to separate or clarify a process stream through the separation of elements and the removal of suspended debris. Filters consist of filtration media and housings or a frame.

Filtration Systems

Filtration systems are engineered to clarify process streams by separating elements and removing suspended debris. These systems typically include filtration media housed within frames or enclosures. They often incorporate extra chambers for storing contaminants or directing process streams to their next destination.

Please note that the “rejection filter” isn’t an air or fluid filter. Instead, it is a type of filter used in signal processing.

Filter Applications

A filtration system aims to ensure that air or fluid is as clean and clear as needed for specific applications. In addition to this primary goal, they might also focus on secondary objectives such as retaining suspended solids, capturing the cake, or keeping the clarified fluid intact.

Many industrial processes rely on consistent filtration to enhance operations and meet industry regulations. This includes a wide range of materials such as coolants, corrosive chemicals, gasoline, oil, diesel fuel, hydraulic fluid, lubricants, drinking and bottled water, softened water, inks, dyes, paint products, as well as air intake and exhaust air.

We supply water and air filtration systems across diverse industries, including wastewater and water treatment, recreation (such as pool filter cartridges), healthcare, food and beverage processing (like refrigerator water filters), chemical, pharmaceutical, mining, pulp and paper, automotive, and agriculture.

Filter History

Filtration systems have been utilized by humans for millennia, with the earliest evidence of their use found in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Dating back to around the 15th century BC, these hieroglyphs depict the practice of filtering drinking water with sand among the Egyptians of that era.

The next major record of filter use comes from Hippocrates, a Greek physician who lived around 460 to 370 BC. Hippocrates recommended that his patients purify their water by boiling it and then filtering it through a cloth bag. This bag, an early form of sieve filter, is now known as the Hippocratic Sleeve.

In the 8th century AD, the Arabian alchemist Gerber used primitive stills to purify water.

Several hundred years later, Sir Francis Bacon stumbled upon the existence of pathogens in water in 1627, during an unsuccessful attempt to use sand filters for desalinating ocean water. His failed experiment sparked interest in the microscopic world, leading scientists Robert Hooke and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek to develop the microscope. This advancement allowed them to study these pathogens in detail, eventually paving the way for the creation of filtration devices capable of capturing them.

In 1804, John Gibb, a Scotsman, uncovered the ability to purify water using sand filters. Recognizing the potential of this innovation, he began selling the purified water from his textile bleachery. By 1839, investors had adopted a refined version of Gibb’s filtration method to establish England’s first public water treatment plant, Chelsea Waterworks, in London.

In 1854, the outbreak of cholera in SoHo, London highlighted the critical importance of water filtration systems. Physician John Snow pinpointed the disease’s source: contaminated water. The River Thames had become dangerously polluted because SoHo lacked a sewer system, causing human and animal waste to accumulate in overflowing cesspools. The city’s flawed solution was to dump this waste into the Thames, which also served as the city’s water supply. Following Snow’s discovery, London swiftly began reforming its water filtration and sanitation systems. Within just four years, all of Great Britain had adopted new standards for water purity.

In the United States, the government established its first drinking water purification standards in 1914. However, these standards were not enforced nationwide until the 1940s. It wasn’t until 1972, with the passage of the Clean Water Act, that industrial manufacturers were mandated to reduce the waste they discharged into public drinking water. This legislation significantly increased the importance of filtration systems across the country.

In the 1950s, UCLA students developed membrane filtration, discovering that high flux membranes could efficiently desalinate seawater. Later, University of Florida students advanced the field by studying reverse osmosis. In 1977, Cape Coral, Florida, became the first to implement a reverse osmosis system in its water treatment plant. By 1985, this facility was processing approximately 15 million gallons of potable water daily.

Filtration systems have grown increasingly vital and sophisticated over time. Beyond ensuring water quality, there is now a significant focus from both the public and government on reducing air pollution. As we strive to improve environmental stewardship and lead healthier lives, the role of filters will continue to expand. Today, filters are integral to a wide range of applications, from water bottles to pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Types of Filters

There are many different filtration system varieties.

Vacuum filters draw dirty process streams through filtering screens by generating a vacuum effect. They accomplish this by reducing the pressure on the outlet side of the filter to below the atmospheric pressure. This method makes vacuum filters a highly popular choice for filter media.

Pressure filters operate much like vacuum filters but use pressurized or compressed air to drive a process stream through their filter medium. Within this medium, pressure filters effectively capture suspended debris and separate materials.

Membrane filtration systems utilize a porous film or thin sheet as their filtering medium. These filters allow water and air to pass through while blocking particles. Commonly used in applications such as water desalination, bacteria removal, and blood purification for dialysis, membrane filters are typically automated and compact.

Industrial filters purify and physically or mechanically separate elements from air, gas, and fluid lines using a variety of filtration methods. They are essential components in many industrial processes.

Surface filters purify fluids through different strainers or screens. Common types of surface filters include bag filters, membrane filters, and cartridge filters.

Oil filters are designed for specific applications, playing a crucial role in the operation of any equipment that relies on oil. From automobiles and agricultural vehicles to hydraulic cranes, these filters are vital for maintaining performance. They efficiently remove contaminants and particles from various types of oil, including hydraulic and motor oil.

Gravity and centrifugal force filters utilize hydrostatic or rotational pressure to separate heavier particles from the flow line.

Coalescing filters are designed for specialized applications, focusing on capturing and removing vapors, mists, and oil from air streams. These filters function by directing the gas through their filter media, where unwanted particles accumulate or coalesce on the surface and then drain away. The filtered air or gas stream, now free of contaminants, continues to pass through the filter.

These air cleaners frequently handle air streams from natural gas filtration systems, automobiles and transportation systems, HVAC systems, food processing systems, and pharmaceutical systems.

Chemical filters work by either dissolving specific contaminants or attracting them, then using gravity to remove them from the system. They achieve this with the help of chemical media such as activated charcoal or carbon filters. Chemical filtration is commonly used in gas and drinking water purification. Additionally, water softeners employ chemical filtration to treat hard water through sodium ionization.

Biological filters harness digestive microbes, such as those found in diatomaceous earth, to eliminate unwanted organic compounds. While not as prevalent as chemical filtration, biological filtration is highly effective.

Two primary types of filtration systems use electrical charges to purify air and fluid supplies: electrodialysis (ED) and electrodialysis reversal (EDR) systems.

Ceramic filters are water filters that trap particles through the tiny pores in their ceramic material.

Electrodialysis (ED) employs membranes that permit the flow of either positively or negatively charged ions, while blocking the passage of ions with the opposite charge.

Electrodialysis reversal (EDR) systems offer a practical alternative to ED membranes, which tend to clog quickly. EDR systems function similarly to ED systems but periodically reverse the electrical current to refresh the product flow.

Reverse osmosis (RO), electrodeionization (EDI) and ultrafication (UF) are less common but highly effective filtration methods. Each offers unique benefits tailored to specific applications.

HEPA filters, which stand for High Efficiency Particulate Air filters, capture and eliminate up to 99.99% of airborne particles. They achieve this through multiple layers of fibers that act as sieves, trapping particles through impact or electrostatic attraction. To be classified as a HEPA filter, a unit must meet the stringent standards set by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). These filters are widely used in respirators, industrial cleaning equipment, and air circulation systems in airplane cabins.

ULPA filters, or Ultra Low Particulate Air filters, capture up to 99.99% of airborne particles as small as 100 nanometers (0.1 µm) or larger. They effectively target particles such as bacteria, mold, dust, and pollen.

HVAC filters are designed to purify air and fluids in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. They are used in a variety of applications, such as furnace units, window air conditioners, central air systems, heat pumps, and air pumps. Essentially, furnace filters and air conditioner filters are also categorized as HVAC filters.

Variable filters are filtration systems that integrate various products and methods to work together. This approach enhances the processing of gasses or fluids, ensuring more thorough purification.

Progressive filtration systems feature multiple layers of identical filter media arranged sequentially, each with increasingly restrictive properties. This design enhances particulate separation progressively, leading to superior filtration and extended lifespan for the filtration products. The system’s design minimizes clogging, reducing the need for frequent cleaning or replacement. Industries focused on solids recovery often prefer this filtration approach because it effectively pre-sorts contaminants based on material size.

Water filters are designed to eliminate solid particles from liquids or gasses while permitting the fluid to flow through. This can involve using biological, chemical, or physical barriers. Common filtration methods include straining, flocculation, sedimentation, and surface capture. By removing unwanted contaminants like sediment, taste, odor, hardness, and bacteria, water filtration enhances the overall quality of the water.

We use filtered water because many people consider tap water unfit for consumption. Water filtration is crucial as it provides access to clean, impurity-free water that tastes good and reliably hydrates. Without filtration, drinking unclean water could pose health risks, leading to potential illness from contaminants.

Different types of filtered water all share the core principles of water filtration. This process is crucial for preventing waterborne diseases and health issues. Contaminated tap water poses significant risks, particularly to young children, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems. Therefore, effective water filtration is vital for maintaining health and safety.

The Types of Water Filtration Process

There are different types of water filtration experiments subject to the application:

  • Absorption: Carbon is commonly used in water filters due to its high effectiveness at absorbing impurities. Its large, porous surface, filled with numerous holes and crevices, captures and traps chemical contaminants such as chlorine, allowing it to quickly remove pollutants from the water.
  • Mechanical: Mechanical filtration operates on the principle of using a barrier to physically remove particles from water, such as silt and grime. The range of mechanical filters varies from simple mesh screens that capture large particles to intricate ceramic filters designed to remove ultra-fine pathogenic organisms.
  • UV Radiation: UV light is used to expose water, killing germs and preventing their reproduction. However, to remove contaminants and heavy metals, a RO filter is also needed, as UV radiation alone isn’t sufficient.
  • Sequestration: Chemical isolation of a material, called sequestration, involves using substances like food-grade polyphosphate in scale-inhibiting filters. These filters bind calcium and magnesium minerals that cause corrosion and limescale. However, polyphosphate is typically used in small quantities, which means it doesn’t eliminate scaling but rather inhibits it. By keeping the minerals in solution, polyphosphate prevents scale formation on surfaces it contacts without actually softening the water.
  • Ion Exchange: Ion exchange softens hard water by replacing the magnesium and calcium ions with sodium or hydrogen ions. Instead of just preventing scale, this method physically removes the hard minerals. As a result, limescale is reduced, making the water suitable for high-temperature applications like commercial coffee makers.
  • Reverse Osmosis: Reverse osmosis (RO) eliminates dissolved inorganic solids from water by forcing it through a semipermeable membrane under pressure. While most pollutants are left behind, some, like calcium and magnesium ions, are removed.
  • Distillation: The distillation process purifies water by collecting the condensed steam after evaporation, removing impurities and minerals in the process. While it effectively cleans the water, it takes longer and is less efficient compared to a reverse osmosis filter.
  • Water Rotameter: Rotameters, which include panel, inline, and tube variable area flow meters, are essential in the water treatment industry and are readily available from MDC Water. Specifically designed to measure water flow, a water rotameter consists of a tube and a float. The float’s movement within the tube responds linearly to changes in the flow rate.
  • Filter Design and Customization

    Designing a filtration system involves several key considerations: filtration rate, filter location, stream viscosity and temperature, filter load capacity, maximum flow, absorption, and the filter’s ability to operate effectively through continued use and potential blockages.

    The filtration rate is the speed at which a stream can pass through the filter while still achieving optimal particulate removal.

    Filter locations can be positioned at the intake, inline, or exhaust stages. Operators frequently depend on filtration at each point in the manufacturing process, so many filter manufacturers include filters at all three locations. Filters placed at the inline stage are specifically referred to as “in-line filters.”

    The stream viscosity and temperature affect the material composition of a filter, so all three factors must be compatible.

    The design of a filter greatly influences its load capacity, flow, absorption, and pressure drop, all of which can affect both production rates and filter efficiency.

    Before designing a filtration system, manufacturers assess the estimated sizes of particulates and the types of slurry the filter will encounter. They also determine whether the system will be used for continuous or batch loading. Ensuring compatibility between the filter materials and the substances to be filtered is crucial for the system’s effectiveness.

    Materials and Methods

    To build a custom filtration system, manufacturers can select from a diverse array of materials, such as aluminum, plastics, steel, stainless steel, Teflon, carbon, nylon, resins, sand, and various synthetic fibers.

    Manufacturers can choose from a variety of methods to separate materials in a mixed process stream. These methods include membrane filtration, foams, gravity, centrifugal force, chemical solvents, biological agents, and electrically charged apparatuses.

    Filter Safety and Compliance Standards

    Technical Committee 131 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) oversees regulations for all types of filtration.

    Other organizations that establish regulations or guidelines concerning filtration, worker safety, and environmental protection include OSHA, the EPA, ASTM, SAE, and ANSI. For guidance on the specific standards your filtration system should follow, consult with your industry experts.

    Things to Consider Regarding Filter Manufacturers

    For optimal results, whether you’re cleaning process air in your manufacturing facility or operating an air conditioning system, partnering with an experienced filtration system supplier is crucial. To assist you, we’ve compiled a list of trusted filtration system manufacturers.

    Evaluate these manufacturers to narrow it down to your top three or four. Next, reach out to each one to discuss your application, making sure to cover specifics such as your budget, deadline, and delivery preferences. After your discussions, compare the responses and choose the manufacturer that offers the best services.

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